
They can be monumentous or teeny tiny. They can be out of the blue, or prayed all night for. They can happen to you or a loved one, they have no boundaries. They can be seen with the eyes, and definitely felt in the heart.
What is it, you are asking yourselves….something that happens daily to those whom ask, and those whom believe. Miracles!
The fact that we live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea…miracle. Albert Einstein said,” Don’t wait for miracles, Your whole life is a miracle”.
Today I urge you to be realistic and expect miracles. Hans Christian Anderson said “ The world is a series of miracles, but we are so used to them that we call them ordinary things.”
Today I urge you to be realistic and expect miracles. Hans Christian Anderson said “ The world is a series of miracles, but we are so used to them that we call them ordinary things.”
Staying alive after stage 4 liver cancer, is miraculous. But it is also the small things.
I needed a Spanish interpreter last week for a presentation that I was giving. I prayed "God, please give me the right person for the job". About an hour later, the thought of a girl that I had not spoken to in several years popped into my head. I messaged her on Facebook and she called me right away. Through her tears she explained that just an hour ago she prayed for a miracle for the extra money that her family desperately needed. Miracle.
My Godson. It took hours of convincing his Bio mom one night to not abort him. Miracle.
Romulus. I helped my friend for one full year to die from ADS. A few days after the service, I was so devastated and decided to take a walk. There was nothing around me, no trees, no buildings, no people. All of the sudden out of the sky fell a brand new shiny penny! I looked around and was dumbfounded as to where it came from-then I realized it was my friend saying "I made it to heaven, thank you and see you when you get here"! Miracle.
What happens if you don't believe? Then your life is a monotonous bore. The only things that are achieved are the things that you can see. Money brings materail things, Miracles bring the awe that there is more and bigger out there than just ourselves. Bob Marley said "Some people are so poor, all they have is money".
Miracles happen to you and for you when the timing is perfect. God's timing. No amount of money can buy a miracle. They are an act that is outside of earthly handiwork and born of unseen forces.
If you try and tell me that you have never said the words "it's a miracle", then I strongly suggest that you go outside on a clear night and look up at the stars. Seek out a pregnant friend and go to a sonogram appointment with them.
Starting 1st thing tomorrow, become aware of the unseen in your day. Turn on your miracle antenna and turn up the volume.
Life is bursting to show us all possibilities if we just ask and see.
YOU, are a miracle!